Toddler Sleeping Bag FAQs
To cut a long story short, fold-over covers for toddler sleeping bags don't work well and can lead to lack of safety on some flooring surfaces. It might seem like a good idea, but in reality, we found during our extensive testing, that integral covers created issues and could even be potentially unsafe.
The design and structure of these sleeping bags, and the fact that they are designed to fit for several years (unlike a typical sleepsuit with feet covered) and this depends on the feet being either fully through the foot holes, or totally inside the bag. However, fold-over foot covers creates a 'foot half in / half out' scenario which quickly leads to feet slipping out whilst sleeping or walking and results in tangles.
When toddling or walking, it is safer for a child to be either barefoot, or wearing socks that have gripper soles - Like Falke Merino Catspads - which we think are the best out there
We find that socks are only needed when the room is 18°C (64°F) or lower. The rest of the time, Merino sleeping bags keep the body core so perfectly cosy that most little ones are very happy with feet bare (and outside of the coldest months it can be a good thing in terms of thermoregulation).
In our experience, 1 pair of these fits for literally years, they're stretchy and we find they still work well even beyond the official size range.
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Superfine Merino
Superfine Merino is a technical superfibre - packed with unparelled natural attributes.
• Superwarm 240gsm
Double knitted for extra softness, loft and insulation
• Thermoregulating + Insulating in the cold and cooling in the heat
• Cloud soft - Superfine Merino has a fibre diameter of 17.6-18.5 microns making
it perfect for baby skin + soothing on eczema
• Moisture wicking and warm when wet – Merino can absorb 60% of it’s own weight in water without feeling damp